The start of something new

This just really describes how i feel about starting, treading softly.

I have toyed with the idea of starting a blog for a while but starting was scary (if you are anything like me, you will relate to how scary it is to put yourself out there or start something new).

I read a scripture that really spurred me on to finally get started and share what I have learnt, I am learning per time. I trust it will bless you too.

“1Cor.4.1 MSG- Don’t imagine us leaders to be something we aren’t. We are servants of Christ, not his masters. We are guides into God’s most sublime secrets, not security guards posted to protect them.”

The lower part explains that we are guides into God’s secret meaning we show the world the secrets of God which we now understand because of the revelation we have in Christ. We are not security guards that keep others from the secrets of God. We don’t hoard the knowledge of God we have learnt.

We are not security guards that keep others from the secrets of God. We don’t hoard the knowledge of God we have learnt.

As soon as I read this and the Holy Spirit ministered it to my heart this way, it really helped to lessen my fear, so here I am. Go figure!

Journeying into more is a faith and lifestyle blog that aims at discussing the gospel of Christ and how it affects our daily walk. From prayer, to identity, to character and everything related. There is always more of God to learn about each day and it excites me.

Learning is good but learning with people is even better (insert quote “no man is an island”. We all need communities to thrive). Let’s learn together as we Journey into more of God by the Help of the Holy spirit.

Don’t forget to share this with someone you care about. I share with you because I care.

Love always, Oluwatoyin.