More than mere words

Proverbs 16: 24 “Kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.”

Let’s talk about words. I checked out the meaning of “word” and it felt weird because the definition consisted of words defining words. Lol.

Our daily lives consist of many words and many sentences and because it is a continuous activity, sometimes we forget the importance of words. We tend to forget each word has a meaning and each word makes up our mindset and interactions, either good or bad.

So today we are going to do a quick refresher course. Of course, a course is not complete without a few questions? Don’t be scared. It is nothing too hard.

Has anyone ever spoken with you for a while and they said the words you needed to hear at that point?  Yes? Good. How did it make you feel? 

You most likely felt happy and encouraged because those words made you feel good. See how Proverbs 15:23 explains it. “Everyone enjoys a fitting reply; it is wonderful to say the right thing at the right time!” 

On the flip side, how about when someone spoke to you and the person hurt you through words (on purpose or not). You most likely felt sad and disappointed, sometimes even angry. It could even have been the same person that once made you feel positive emotions that made you feel these negative emotions.

So what changed? The Words. When spoken rightly, words bring forth life. When spoken wrongly, they bring forth pain and condemnation.

When spoken rightly, words bring forth life. When spoken wrongly, they bring forth pain and condemnation.

Oluwatoyin Akande

Okay. Another set of questions. (I did mention it’ll be a few at the beginning. Well, the few continues. Hehe.)

Have you ever said the wrong words to yourself or even thought about it? Words like “I’m too lazy”, “I am ugly”, “I don’t deserve anything good” “Everyone is better than me” “I am useless.”

If you have, then most likely you would have also noticed that these things begin to happen to you because you internalized it so much. Your reality changed based on those words.

On the contrary, have you ever affirmed yourself? Have you spoken the right words to yourself? If you have, you would have noticed how situations seem to conform to your words. After a while of speaking consistently over yourself, the words come to life.

Your words build your mindset. As important as it is for people to speak the right words to you, it is much more important to say the right words to yourself.  

Ephesians 4.29 says- “Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift.”

Sometimes, you can get so conscious of the words you speak to others but you neglect yourself. You need to remember to treat yourself as the royal that you are. You need to speak the right words about yourself too. 

Always remember, every word you speak to yourself (and others) should come forth as a gift and a blessing even during times of correction and criticism.

The bible says in Proverbs 16:24 “Kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.” (NLT). 

Speaking kind words, affirmations over yourself is actually very healthy.

The last set of questions

Have you ever heard what God has said concerning your life (prophecies)?

Have you ever spent time learning who God says you are (through personal Bible study, through teachings)?

Have you ever written them down?

Have you ever prayed over those words?

Have you ever spoken those words over your life?

If your answer to any or all of these is no, then it is about time you start.

The word of God gives life. It shows you your identity in Christ. It shows what has been made available to you in Christ. It renews your mind from the worldly pattern of thinking.

By learning what God has said about you and speaking it consistently concerning every area of your life, you allow those words become your reality.

Finally, the words people speak to you matter, the words you speak to yourself matters, even more, most importantly the words God has spoken about you matters the most.

Make a commitment today to start speaking the right words over yourself and stick to it.

Build the right reality with your words, you can do this!

I share with you because I care, so please share this with someone you care about.

Love always, Oluwatoyin.

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