Fear of rejection.

No hurts

Heyyyy. Welcome back to my blog. In today’s post, you will be reading about the fear of rejection and how to deal with it.

To reject simply means to refuse to accept. 

There are parents who refuse to accept their children, applications that aren’t considered good enough, shots that have missed their targets e.t.c.

Rejection usually hurts. It comes with pain, anger, frustration, bitterness and many other negative emotions. It gives one the feeling of not being enough. 

Many times due to the various forms of rejection that often comes, it can easily become internalized. Feeling of inadequacy, irrelevance, worthlessness in major areas of rejection can creep in. For example, rejection emails from numerous job applications can trigger feelings of inferiority career-wise.

One thing to learn is rejection will always occur one way or another. It is part of the cycle of life. Not everything you want will be given to you. Not everyone you give your energy to will return it. People won’t always choose you.

Accepting this and understanding it will help you navigate through life easier.

What is not acceptable is basing one’s worth on the areas of rejection. Shrinking back because of fear of rejection will never be acceptable. Instead, put in work to become better in the area of rejection. Every success story also consists of failures and rejection stories. Rejection is a propellant to push harder.

Now bring we relate this to our relationship with God. 

Fear of rejection can cripple any relationship with God. Some people fear they are not doing enough to earn the love of God while some are afraid of sinning because they don’t want God to cast them away (in other words, reject them.)

Let us take a look at what the Bible says about this.

Rom.5.8 [AMP]- But God shows and clearly proves His [own] love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) died for us.

According to this passage, God allowed Jesus to die for the whole of mankind (everyone was a sinner at that time). Because of His love, he provided a way for any and everyone to become a saint by believing Jesus and his sacrifice on the cross for each sinner. He allowed it to happen because he had already accepted each and every sinner.

God wasn’t and isn’t afraid of rejection. He will never be. He knew some would reject him but he also knew many more would embrace him.

If he accepted everyone even in sin, how much more those who are believers. They are even much more accepted. Eph.1.6 – To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.

God takes it a step further by accepting every believer as his Child. Rom.8.16 – The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.

Rejection is never found in God’s love.

Rejection is never found in God’s love. Be rest assured that God is always in love with you and he is ever ready to help become more like him. You can go boldly to him without fear of rejection and receive his love.

Understand the power available to you by the help of the Holy Spirit and begin to walk in the victorious life found in Christ.

Two amazing songs i would recommend concerning this topic are Stand in your love by Josh Baldwin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFizRY8w0-I and No longer slaves by Bethel Music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxkNj5hcy5E

Share this with someone you care about. I share with you because I care. Stay basking in God’s love.

Love always, Oluwatoyin.


  1. Moyo MA says:

    Great read. 👏🏽


    1. Thank you, Moyo. I am happy you enjoyed it


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