The Holier-than-thou complex


This is one complex I am 90% sure you have encountered one way or another. You just haven’t put a name to it but don’t worry, I got you covered.

According to; Holier-than-thou means obnoxiously pious; sanctimonious; self-righteous. In simpler words, it describes anyone who is self-absorbed and thinks he is better or more qualified than others without any solid basis.

A complex is defined as a fixed idea or notion.

The Holier-than-thou complex is defined as a fixed idea or notion of being better than others. The complex thrives on the belief of superiority and projects a false standard of perfection.

Sounds familiar? I thought so. Everywhere you go; there will most likely always be a self-absorbed human you have to deal with. At work, in the neighbourhood, on the way home, people with this complex are everywhere and anywhere.

Unfortunately, they are also found in Christian circles too. The complex seems to be even much more pronounced. It thrives on a show of self-righteousness without grace and love which is the backbone of the Christian Faith.

Remember the Pharisees in the Bible; how they always judged and condemned others. They are the perfect examples of the typical “Holier-than-thou”. They believed because they knew God’s law, they couldn’t dine with sinners and that they were better than them. In fact, Jesus Christ, the very son God was seen as inferior to them.

The complex blinds and segregates, the very opposite of what Christ came to do.

Sadly, there are still Christians who act and think like the Pharisees today.

I was one for a long time too. I thought I was better than some of my friends because I was brought up in a Christian home and I didn’t do what they did at that time. I condemned and looked down on others because of their choice of lifestyle.

Nobody would want to admit that they act like the Pharisees, but actions and attitude reveal whether you and I act like Christ or like the Pharisees.

I was the 21st century Pharisee. I mean, nobody would readily admit that they act like the Pharisees, but actions and attitude reveal whether you and I act like Christ or like the Pharisees.

The root cause of the Holier-than-thou complex is the belief of self-righteousness which outrightly contradicts why Christ came.

The Bible explains in Romans 3:10-20 (paraphrase) that no one is good enough, not even one is capable of being righteous (good enough) to access God by his effort but God provided another way. Still not by our effort but by Christ who had no sin.

Romans 3:22 “But we are made right in God’s sight when we trust in Jesus Christ to take away our sins. And we all can be saved in this way, no matter who we are or what we have done.”

Righteousness is not in degrees. You cannot be more righteous than another believer. Your self-righteousness is and will always be filthy because it amounts to nothing but the moment you accept Christ, you receive His righteousness.

Righteousness is not in degrees. You cannot be more righteous than another believer. Your self-righteousness is and will always be filthy because it amounts to nothing but the moment you accept Christ, you receive His righteousness. Like the scripture above rightly explained, you can never be righteous by your own efforts.

2 Corinthians 5:21 “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”

We have Christ’s righteousness and not our self-righteousness. In fact, the very opposite of self-righteousness is Christ’s righteousness.

You need to realize that it is only because of Christ’s sacrifice you are now saved. The only difference between you as a believer and an unbeliever is your decision to accept Christ. If any unbeliever also accepts Christ, he receives the exact measure of righteousness you have received. So you cannot brag about it because it is not by your effort.

You can live out the righteousness that you have received at salvation more than another believer, but you cannot be more righteous than others. Righteousness is far more than doing, it is a state of being. Once you understand that righteousness is not in degrees, you cannot feel like you are more righteous than another believer.

If a believer does not live out the righteousness he has received, it is because he is still ignorant about his God-given ability to live above sin (the whole of Romans 6 deals with this specifically). He has not been properly taught and discipled. Yes, he was deeply flawed and imperfect before salvation but afterwards, he became perfectly redeemed by Christ’ sacrifice.

So the basis for living righteously is not because you are better than others, but because you have received the righteousness of God in Christ. It is who you are, it is a part of you and so you live accordingly.  By consistent prayer and study of the word, you understand this righteousness more and live it out consciously.

Remember any sinner can receive Christ’s righteousness once he believes, which means there is absolutely no basis for the Holier-than-complex in a believer’s life.

I released another episode of my podcast earlier this week titled “What is salvation.” You should listen to it. It explains in detail why and how we receive the righteousness of God through Christ’s sacrifice.

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I share with you because I care so share this with someone you care about.

Love always, Oluwatoyin.


  1. dudurewa says:

    Blessed! Thank you, ‘Toyin.


    1. I am glad it blessed you. I hope you shared it to to others.


  2. SENAMI HODONU says:

    This is Amazing Toyin.. Christ Consciousness is very important in the life of a believer.
    God bless you 😊.


    1. Yes! It cannot be overemphasized.
      I am glad it blessed you. I hope you shared it to to others.


  3. Tomi Ayodeji says:

    A real eye opener.
    There is no basis for the holier-than-thou. Thank you soo much, really blessed me


    1. Thank you for reading Tomi. I hope you shared it.


  4. Chinedum Uzoma says:

    Toyin, thank you. I was one for a long time too. 💯


    1. I’m glad we’ve grown past that now. Thank you Nedum


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